Educating the Educated: Why Medical Student Policy Education Matters for Patients at Free Clinics

  • Abigail Laudi Creighton University School of Medicine


Medicaid covers the poorest population of women in America. What may be surprising to some is that more than half of women on Medicaid work outside the home. However, even with Medicaid and employer-sponsored insurance, 13% of women nationally reported no insurance coverage in 2020. Free clinics must strive to not simply place a bandage on the issues our country faces with disproportionate access to healthcare, access based on privilege rather than right. Free clinics affiliated with the Creighton University School of Medicine exist to expand healthcare access to those who utilize their services regardless of insurance or employment. Educating medical students on healthcare policy helps us understand why patients seek out our services in the first place.

How to Cite
Laudi, A. (2020). Educating the Educated: Why Medical Student Policy Education Matters for Patients at Free Clinics. Free Clinic Research Collective, 6(1). Retrieved from