The State of the Clinic: Data Collection and Reporting at HOPES Free Clinic

  • Karthik Subbu Eastern Virginia Medical School
  • Chelsea E. Allen Eastern Virginia Medical School
  • Sichen Liu Eastern Virginia Medical School


In April 2015, HOPES Free Clinic introduced the State of the Clinic report, a monthly newsletter describing clinic statistics for each month including the number of patients seen at each clinic, the number of physician and student volunteers, lab tests ordered, reminder call success rates, among other statistics. This essay serves to describe the report including an overview of its organization, the process of data collection and presentation along with summary statistics from its first year, i.e. April 2015-March 2016, and finally, strengths and shortcomings of the report along with our plans for its future.

Author Biography

Karthik Subbu, Eastern Virginia Medical School

Karthik Subbu is a member of the Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS) Class of 2018. He graduated with honors from the University of Virginia with a B.A. in Psychology. In medical school, he participates actively in the EVMS student-run free clinic, HOPES, having served as a co-lead of the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Quality team from 2015-2016 and as the current Director of Innovations from 2016-2017. After obtaining his M.D., he plans to pursue a career in internal medicine.



How to Cite
Subbu, K., Allen, C., & Liu, S. (2016). The State of the Clinic: Data Collection and Reporting at HOPES Free Clinic. Free Clinic Research Collective, 2(1). Retrieved from
Brief Communication