Fostering Sustainable, Equitable Partnerships Between Health Professions Institutions & Communities: A Call for Implementation Science
Correspondence: Response to "A New Approach to Community Outreach in Student-Run Clinics" by O'Leary B, Gregoire J, FCRC, 2015:1:12-14
In O’Leary and Gregoire’s article (FCRC 2015:1:12-14) on Fleur de Vie Ruth Fertel (FdV), a Tulane University School of Medicine student-run free clinic, the authors provide a thorough, practice-relevant description of their solution to increase patient volume through an inter-professional approach. We commend and expand upon the concepts put forth by the authors, noting that it represents an important area for research on student-run clinics: implementation science. We are currently conducting a systematic review that should help to identify high-priority areas in which implementation research is most needed. Both the students who lead and the communities who are served by these clinics can benefit from an implementation science framework, as the approach inherently seeks to understand the process of optimal service delivery.
O'Leary B, Gregoire J. A New Approach to Community Outreach in Student-Run Clinics. The Free Clinic Research Collective. 2015:1:12-14.
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