Incorporation of Pap Smears and a Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening Program in a Student-Run Free Clinic
Grace House is a non-profit long-term residential substance abuse treatment facility in New Orleans, Louisiana. The students of the Tulane University School of Medicine host a free clinic at Grace House offering physical exams and women’s healthcare to residents. The Pap test and sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening is offered to all women who enter Grace House as part of their intake physical exam after a patient education session covering an overview of the well woman visit. Specimen collection, delivery to laboratory, interpretation of results, and delivery of results to the patient are coordinated through one of the student leaders, in association with the clinic’s faculty advisor, Grace House Staff, and laboratory. Key aspects of the pap smear and STI program include: a contact person coordinating every step, an online HIPAA secure spreadsheet tracking results, patient education, student professionalism, and a direct referral system for abnormal Pap smear results. This program requires a significant commitment of time and effort, but it provides women with important preventative gynecologic care.
Sirovich BE, Woloshin S, Schwartz LM. Screening for cervical cancer: will women accept less? Am J Med; 2005:118:151-158.