General Lifestyle

Nutrition 101

A 2011 Consumer Report found that 9 out of 10 Americans consider their diet healthy.5 People have become accustomed to reading product labels, estimating portion sizes, fashioning colorful meals, and some may even have a grocery list stored on their phone. Yet many still find themselves eating too much or too little. How many nutrients are we really getting and what are they doing once they enter the body? Are we sufficiently addressing nutrition with patients?

It has been rumored that people lie about what they eat 100% of the time. Consequently, it’s likely that patients’ eating habits are holding them back from health. According to a recent poll1, fewer than one-eighth of physician visits include any nutrition counseling and fewer than 25% of physicians believe they have sufficient training to discuss diet or physical activity with their patients.

These statistics have created a demand at the national level for reform. A few recommendations from the American College of Sports Medicine and the Alliance for a Healthier Generation include developing a standard nutrition and physical activity curriculum for medical and health professional schools, increased testing on nutrition and exercise for licensing and certification exams, and better insurance reimbursement for preventive care.2 While this will be a long-term shift, these are important strides in a beneficial direction.

Because of the relative neglect of nutrition in medical education, physicians tend to either ignore the subject or offer limited advice. For example, gastroenterologists may focus solely on fiber content, while nephrologists may focus on sodium intake.

“As long as the healthcare marketplace undervalues preventive care, health care professionals will lack financial support to address these issues with their patients and medical schools will have less incentive to train their students accordingly,” the report notes.1,2

Compared to the 20 hours devoted to nutrition in allopathic medical schools, Naturopathic medical students receive roughly 200 hours through courses such as nutritional biochemistry, science of diet and nutrition, and clinical nutrition.  This uniquely positions naturopathic doctors as physicians who not only specialize in preventative healthcare and chronic disease management, but also lifestyle and nutrition counseling.

For those looking to delve more into their patient’s nutrition status, one simple place to start is using a diet questionnaire for evaluation at baseline and to track changes over the course of treatment. Furthermore, there are an increasing number of online nutrition education programs directed towards practicing physicians. An example of one such resource is The Nutrition Source.

Why nutrition matters:

As one of my professors says, “You can be lean and mean with the illusion of health, but inside you can have raging inflammation.” The foods we eat turn on or off certain pathways and subsequently cause the release of chemical mediators. Over time this process lays the foundation for low-grade inflammation. Our enzymes convert dietary acids into prostaglandins, some of which create inflammation and pain. Therefore, based on these basic concepts, when we eat foods like sugar and flour that create these mediators, we are creating pain. Simply put: the food we eat changes our body chemistry. The more nutrients we can obtain through our food, the more building blocks are available to support the chemical reactions that take place in order for us to be alert and create energy.  While drugs like Tylenol and NSAIDS can be necessary and may help to reduce diet-driven pain, they do not treat the underlying cause.

As a naturopathic student, I hope to educate and inspire other medical professionals to learn more about nutrition in order to deliver more optimal clinical care to patients. Continuing medical education should include topics in nutrition research and instruction on how to critically evaluate new evidence in the field of nutrition. Physicians are simply one element of the much larger system necessary to promote health and wellness through nutrition. By emphasizing the influential role of nutrition in medical training and practice, we can further our ability to reduce suffering in patients.


  1. Alliance for a Healthier Generation; American College of Sports Medicine; Bipartisan Policy Center. Teaching nutrition and physical activity in medical school: training doctors for prevention oriented care [white paper]. June 2014.
  2. Bernstein, Lenny. “Your Doctor Says He Doesn’t Know Enough about Nutrition or Exercise.” Washington Post.
  3. Devries S, Dalen JE, Eisenberg DM, et al. A deficiency of nutrition education in medical training. Am J Med. 2014 Apr 19.
  4. Katz, M.D. David. “Why Holistic Nutrition Is the Best Approach.” The Huffington Post., 1 Apr. 2011.
  5. Ward, Tricia, and Stephen Devries. “Doctors Need to Learn About Nutrition.” Medscape, 4 Sept. 2014.

Featured image:
National Nutrition Month Book Display by The COM Library

General Opinion

You don’t belong here; are you even a real doctor?

Disclaimer: This is written with the sole purpose of increasing awareness.

Rare things are valuable.  They stand out.  They generate intrigue.  However, they can also make people apprehensive.

There is a misconception that naturopathic doctors are quacks who couldn’t get into “real” medical school, and don’t know what they’re talking about. But there is a big difference between naturopaths (online certification) and naturopathic doctors (four years at an accredited institution). At age 23 I had been to nearly 20 different MDs and was ingesting 10 different medications each day until I saw a naturopathic doctor (ND) who turned everything around. Not only did my health change, my career choice did as well.

Naturopathic Medicine is a distinct primary health care profession that combines natural healing techniques with modern science.  It is a whole-person approach tailored to each patient and focuses on finding the root cause of the health issue. NDs are well versed in treating chronic illnesses and emphasize preventative medicine, but can also aid in acute care. By combining natural healing methods with modern scientific principles and technology, naturopathic medicine genuinely embodies modern integrated health care.

There is a time and place for everything. NDs are trained to know when referral or higher intervention is needed. It is time to erase the battle lines because the “us versus them” mindset is not beneficial to patients. Furthermore, MDs and NDs are more similar than it may seem.

We all have the same ability to heal and treat our patients. Although the manner in which we go about treating our patients may be different, we are all trained in basic and clinical sciences, including biochemistry, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and even minor surgery. NDs have additional training in nutrition, botanical medicine, and counseling, while MDs have added training in pharmacology and more clerkship hours. Both cohorts complete clinical training and take board examinations in order to become licensed professionals.

We have similar struggles. We sit through hours of classes only to go home and study until we fall asleep. We sacrifice our social lives for our scrubs. We are more up to date on the latest neuroanatomy YouTube videos than we are on episodes of Game of Thrones. We go home at the end of the day smelling like dead bodies and bodily fluids.

But aside from these things, we have the same end goal. We are all detectives, trained to combine history, lab tests, imaging and physical examinations to understand the patient. While NDs typically don’t advocate drugs at the first sign of trouble, we are still trained to prescribe them.

There is an underlying assumption that only pharmaceuticals are “real” medicine, while nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle interventions are “fake” medicine. In actuality, real medicine is whatever works, and the most important aspects of patient care are things that cannot be quantified or measured, but can instead be conveyed and experienced.

Partnerships require a lot of work. Nonetheless, patients need and deserve the services of both MDs and NDs.  Therefore, we should work to understand and respect each other’s profession.  Our skills complement each other and by working together our patients will receive the greatest benefit.

Featured image:
Apple for Health – Apple with Stethoscope by Wellness GM