Clinical General Healthcare Costs Law Opinion Patient-Centered Care Primary Care Public Health Reflection

Discontinuity in Care

My resident tries fairly hard to take care of his patients. When he is with them, I catch him paying attention to all sorts of details that he could have easily let slip past. So it made it all the more difficult when I saw him enraged. When he opened up his list of clinic appointments one morning, on the list was a patient he did not want to see. It was not just that she was a new patient to him. It was not just that her problem list went on like a run-on sentence. It was that both were true, and my resident was still expected to see her in only 15 minutes.

While chart reviewing, he learned that the only consistency in this patient’s medical care at our clinic had been a history of inconsistent providers—and based on their notes, none of them had the complete story. “Why am I even seeing her?!” my resident asked rhetorically, as he frantically searched for answers he knew he did not have the time to find. I wondered, too. This visit seemed to benefit no one except the Billing Department, and even that would depend on whether the Medicare reimbursements actually made it through.

That patient’s experience was hardly unique, though. While rotating through various specialties as a medical student, I have met several patients who were passed from one provider to another. Maybe the provider had to switch services. Maybe they left the institution for better opportunities elsewhere. The reasons were myriad. Stories like those suggest that continuity of care may still only be a priority in primary care literature.

I think one reason for this reality is a lack of incentives to keep doctors and patients together. In any field, including medicine, we see money driving people’s attention and vice versa. Since our country has historically kept primary care on the back burner, there is little evidence to believe that practical incentives for continuity of care will spontaneously appear in the near future.

So, for the primary care fans out there, it might be worth it to start speaking up.


Photo credit: Norbert von der Groeben/Stanford School of Medicine, posted by National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences

General Law

Not Science Fiction: American immigration politics threaten scientific advances

The year 2017 was an anti-science roller-coaster ride. From the plentiful deniers of climate change to the seven words rumored to be banished from the CDC’s vocabulary[1] to Energy Secretary Rick Perry’s questionable words equating fossil fuel consumption with the prevention of acts of sexual violence,[2] science seemed to be the biggest loser of 2017. Even the tax bill, the capstone of the year, appeared to be steeped in anti-science rhetoric, with several proposed provisions aimed at dismantling research. Among these were the taxation of tuition assistance for graduate researchers and increased taxation of companies examining renewable energy sources, both of which thankfully failed to make it into the final bill.[3]

Alongside all the powerful and disturbing hits to science, the country continues to see our administration make tactical maneuvers against immigration. As a humanitarian, I feel a deep sense of indignation that we have forgotten our history as a nation of immigrants and turned our backs on people who enrich our country both by strengthening our workforce and adding to our cultural melting pot. As a member of the medical community, however, I am worried that the disassembly of our immigration program will act as yet another catalyst to dismantle the country’s scientific endeavors.

From 1960 to 2014, 28 of the Nobel Prize winners in medicine have been scientists and physicians who immigrated to America. The numbers are similarly high in the fields of chemistry and physics, with 23 and 22 immigrants winning in these fields, respectively. Thankfully, nobody in our political administration has openly come out against cancer research, but considering that in 2014, 42% of the researchers in the top seven American cancer research centers are from 50-plus foreign countries, the administration placing severe restrictions on immigration deals a huge blow to science in our country and is in effect a stance against cancer research. Even the inventor of chemotherapy, George Clowes, immigrated to the United States from England to conduct research on chemotherapy and went on to found the American Association for Cancer Research.[4] In terms of the contemporary research landscape, American graduate institutions award approximately 30,000 doctoral degrees in the fields of science and engineering each year. Foreign-born researchers are responsible for 40 percent of these degrees. A high number of academic institutions coupled with more job opportunities in the fields of science and technology, as well as higher wages, are some of the factors attracting researchers from abroad to the US.[5]

So what would the American scientific landscape without immigrant scientists and medical researchers look like? In a word: prehistoric. The Nature Index ranks America as the number-one research-producing country, and had immigration restrictions prevented the aforementioned individuals from completing their research on American soil, perhaps we would still be learning about the four humors and spending our clinical years of medical school bleeding people with leeches. Most of us completing medical school will be entering into clinical practice that would not be possible without the contributions of researchers, many of whom are foreign-born. I hope that as a medical community, 2018 is an opportunity for us to recognize and celebrate the efforts of our colleagues who come from faraway lands to conduct valuable and potentially lifesaving research here in America before Jurassic immigration policies further threaten the well-being of our patients.






Photo Credit: Victoria Pickering

General Opinion Public Health Reflection

Feminine Hygiene: My Own Struggle at the Airport

Surrounding me in the Barcelona airport this past winter was the latest technology—new scanners and gadgets directed at catching radioactive and explosive material more quickly and safely than before. Large plasma screen TVs were on every corner, and numerous retail shops caught my eye at every glance. With an expansive collection of restaurants and shops, one would think this is more of a mall than an airport. Given the mini-mall appearance, I felt I would have no trouble finding a place to purchase a tampon or pad, as Mother Nature had unexpectedly paid me a visit and I was unprepared. After first checking the bathroom for a tampon dispenser and finding none, I went from store to store looking for a personal hygiene section. To my dismay, there were an assortment of shaving creams and toothbrushes and even diapers, but there were no tampons or pads to be found. After scanning all the stores in my immediate vicinity, I decided to inquire at the cashier desk, which was occupied by a female clerk. When I asked her about where I could potentially find some feminine hygiene products, she informed me that I was out of luck. Her and other female colleagues all kept tampons and pads in their bags because there was no place to purchase them in the area. Fortunately for me, they kindly provided me with a few from their stash for my long journey home.

While this may be expected in a less developed area with few resources, an airport that boasts being “among the top 30 busiest airports in the world”1 should have several places to purchase feminine hygiene products. I was incredulous that an airport outside a major hub in Europe in the 21st century had no place for female employees or travelers to purchase a pad or tampon. This is an issue that must be corrected—whether by adding tampon dispensaries or vending machines, or simply by increasing inventory in the numerous retail shops lining the terminals. The Barcelona airport, along with any other major public areas that are traversed daily, should be required to carry these products.

While I was fortunate enough to receive some aid from the female clerks at one of the retail shops, I know there have been many other women who have been inconvenienced by either lack of menstrual products or their cost. In the same month, another traveler at the Calgary YYC airport reported that she had to pay a whopping $15 for a box of tampons at the airport2. Of course, it is a known fact that prices in the airport are always much higher than in retail shops outside – same goes for museum gift shops and others located near tourist attractions. However, for a product that is a basic hygienic necessity for half of the globe’s population, it is prejudicial that it is also priced almost double what it is in a regular grocery store. That traveler’s post sparked a global dialogue as to why these products are not easily found or are not affordable in places that millions of women work or travel.

While a dialogue is an important start, we need to continue to bring this issue into the spotlight. No woman in 2018 should be forced to pay egregious prices for basic hygiene and even more importantly, there should be access to feminine hygiene products in all institutions, including schools, airports, and workplaces.




Photo credit: Sor Cyress Source: Flickr

General Public Health

Human Trafficking: A Brief Guide for Physicians

Human trafficking. Like many things we hear about or read in the news, it seems like a problem of developing countries like Cambodia and Thailand. However, what we fail to realize is that human trafficking, also known as modern slavery, is alive and well within the United States and affects children and adults across all socioeconomic statuses. A harrowing fact is that up to 85% of people forced into human trafficking saw a physician at some point and more than 60% had at least one ER visit1. However, most physicians have not been trained on how to identify and help patients who are potential victims of human trafficking2. This article will hopefully provide more insight into what human trafficking is, how to identify a victim, and most importantly, how to help them.

The State Department of the United States indicates that human trafficking consists of domestic servitude, forced labor, debt bondage, as well as sexual exploitation3. While these are different types of human trafficking, warning signs that a potential patient is a victim to these crimes tend to be very similar. The U.S. Department of Education has provided some common identifiers for physicians in all states to be aware of, including a patient who:

  • Makes references to frequent travel to other cities or towns
  • Exhibits bruises or other signs of physical trauma, withdrawn behavior, depression, anxiety, or fear
  • Lacks control over her or his schedule and/or identification or travel documents
  • Is hungry, malnourished, or inappropriately dressed (based on weather conditions or surroundings)
  • Shows signs of drug addiction4

Victims are often in attendance with their abuser, whether this is a pimp or “employer”, so it is important to speak to the patient alone to elicit a thorough history and help the victim. An excellent resource for all health care professionals in the emergency room is a phone app called “Sex Traff”5. It is designed by two physicians with the intent of helping health care professionals identify potential victims of sex trafficking using a simple screening questionnaire.

As the awareness of human trafficking increases, there is also an increase in health professional training sessions available in several cities across the nation, as well as online training available through the national human trafficking hotline: It is important that healthcare providers of all ranks be informed of this pervasive problem, as well as how to respond. Please share this information with your staff and colleagues, so that we can do our part to combat human trafficking.







Photo Credit: Thomas Wanhoff Source: Flickr

General Lifestyle Reflection


For just split seconds, I am floating, flying, feeling the space pass by. Then the flying ends, subtalar joint and plantar fascia absorbing the first impact of my landing. Gastrocnemius, soleus, and Achilles tendon maintain my stance, and along with my hamstring orchestrate takeoff. Then I am flying again, rectus femoris and iliopsoas swinging my leg forward.

My feet beat the drum of the earth, sarcomeres lengthening and then shortening, orchestrating flight and breath and blood flow. They lengthen and shorten, again and again. Intercostals and diaphragm labor rhythmically, cycling through hunger for air and fleeting relief.

As re-oxygenated blood returns to my left atrium, my attention returns to my thoughts. At first they fought for an audience, demanding my attention as I focus instead on the world around me, but soon it’s just me and my thoughts, as the air streams across my face. My legs stay strong, but beg me to stop. As I finish my run, my thoughts are with me, but whispering politely instead of shouting for attention, willing to leave as quietly as they came.

It isn’t the running, it’s the calm, the quiet, the peace in the cacophony. It isn’t the running, it’s the brisk morning breeze, the bronze fall leaves, the stars between the stars in the night sky. It isn’t the running, it’s me passing through space – a shooting star in the night sky trying to shine bright in the milliseconds I have to add a little light to the world. It isn’t the running, it’s the feeling of perfect harmony as the rhythm of my legs and arms and breath seems to match the rhythm of the world. It isn’t the running, so it is the running.

In the singularly focused chaos of medical school, running was just what I needed to reconnect with nature and the city around me. Earlier in medical school, a friend had asked me if I ran, and I answered, “Nope! Why would I run? I only chase soccer balls and cookies”. I am grateful that we are able to change, and I am now able to see beauty where I could see none before.

Photo Credit: Mark Hesseltine

General Innovation

A Budding Clinician-Scientist

Before I embarked on my second year of medical school, I wanted to try something different — an experience I probably wouldn’t attain during the medical school curriculum.

I have always had an inquisitive mind, hence research held a natural appeal. Research, at least to me, can be broadly categorized into two groups: dry lab and wet lab. I was already involved in the former, but was keen to give the latter a shot. An oncologist took me under his wing, and I was soon introduced to the world of lab-based, experimental research.

Coming from a background with literally no lab experience, it was undoubtedly a steep learning curve at inception. There was an avalanche of lab-based skills I needed to learn and understand. I was tasked to perform lymphoma research, but it wasn’t until a month later that I actually got to perform experimental work on lymphoma cells. The first month was humdrum but necessary. I had to complete multiple safety courses, practice micro-pipetting, and learn about the entire range of complex lab equipment and procedures such as the centrifuge, film development for western blots, and flow cytometry machine.

After one month, I was given my topic and tasked to draft the experimental protocol. In brief, I was investigating complement-mediated cytotoxicity of rituximab (anti CD20 monoclonal antibody) on lymphoma cell lines. Even though I had some prior knowledge about the cytotoxic mechanism, I had to perform an  in-depth literature search to augment my understanding and look for existing experimental protocols that I could potentially adapt.

With a protocol in my armament, I thought I was confident and equipped enough to perform the experiment, until I realized that multiple roadblocks lay ahead of me. An initial protocol with six simple steps turned out to be twice as long after adding several intermediate steps that I had missed. There were other reagents that I had to add. For instance, staining the cells involved identifying the appropriate stain color, optimizing the concentration of the stain solution, incubating it for a period of time; it was not as simple as adding a reagent to a test tube of cells. Hence, it often took longer than expected to complete a single step, which resulted in me being late for the equipment bookings. Time management was the first lesson for me. It was quintessential for me to plan, in detail, the total amount of time I actually needed per step, with some degree of overestimation.

The road ahead was filled with pockets of ups and downs, albeit often the latter. There were many occasions on which experimental results contradicted my hypothesis – cells died when they were not supposed to; cells didn’t die when they were supposed to. When occasions like these arose, I went back to scrutinize every step in the protocol, to make sense of what could have possibly went wrong. But I soon realized that the things that seemed insignificant to me were the sources of the experimental failures. For instance, I had initially assumed that all serum types were similar in composition and purpose. However, the serum I had used was not viable for cell survival. Hence, I switched from commercial serum to human serum in subsequent experiments. The next road block came when my cells became unresponsive to rituximab. It was only much later on that I accidentally happened upon a paper, which stated that the particular cell line in my experiment was intrinsically resistant to the drug. These experimental failures served to teach me one very important lesson — to scrutinize the fine details and consider every possibility that could account for failures.

Lastly, I would like to underscore the significance of perseverance. I consider it to be the cornerstone of being a good scientist and researcher. Amidst the myriad of failures, I would have given up on continuing my experiments if I was devoid of it. Research can be a plodding process with multiple failures; but if you believe in your purpose and persevere, you will eventually reap the fruits of your labor.

I have always had an ardor for research, and I intend to pursue the Clinician-Scientist pathway. I am thankful for this lab experience, for it has opened my eyes to the unappealing — at least to most medical students —world of research. As mundane as it can be, I find both the process and end product meaningful to fellow scientists, doctors, and the society at large. This experience has not stifled my interest and passion for research and science; it has taught me instead the values that are essential for a scientist.

If you’re thinking of doing research or being a clinician-scientist, this is just my two-cents worth of lessons that I’ve personally picked up in my short five month stint thus far in the lab. Be humble. Be hungry to learn. Be careful to look out for details. And, most importantly, persevere despite how monotonous research can be.

Photo Credit: United Soybean Board

General Lifestyle Opinion

Too Many Eyes Between the Thighs: Sex and Surveillance

There’s a special bond between students and their teachers. As someone who used to teach young children, I know firsthand how students can trust teachers with certain aspects of their lives that they don’t feel comfortable disclosing to other adults. But, students in the Salem-Kaiser school district in Oregon may want to think twice about what they tell their teachers. That’s because district policy stipulates that teachers are mandatory reporters of all student sexual activity. This policy means that teachers who have knowledge or suspicion of students’ sexual activities must file a formal report with the Department of Human Services, local law enforcement, or a school resource officer. What’s more, because they are mandatory reporters, a teacher could actually face disciplinary action and fines if they fail to report known student sexual activity. This law even applies to faculty members making reports on their own children if they are students in the district. The year is 2017, but this puritanical policy is straight out of the 17th century.

As a former high school student, I’m appalled by this policy. As a future doctor, I’m deeply troubled. When culture permits our libidinous drive to become an object of surveillance, sex becomes a deviant activity. In criminalizing the natural and healthy exploration of sexuality, we imbue sex with shame.

I could not help but see a link between this policy and the reports of sexual violence that have been dominating the media over the past month. My immediate reaction was that this attitude of surveillance around sex is the fertile soil from which the Harvey Weinsteins of the earth spring forth. In an article about the Harvey Weinstein scandal published in New York magazine, Rebecca Traister writes “What we keep missing, as we talk and reveal and expose, is that this conversation cannot be just about personal revelation or speaking up or being heard or even just about the banal ubiquity of abuse; it must also address the reasons why we replay this scene, over and over again.” Traister sees the perpetuation of crimes of sexual abuse as indicative of a foundational gender injustice; I see them as the result of a culture that was built upon austerity.

America is littered with vestiges of our Puritanical culture. The very fact that we can’t show the bare breast on Instagram, or that we’re still trotting out the story of Janet Jackson’s costume malfunction from Super Bowl 2004 is, to me, an indication that the body is subjected to surveillance when it’s recognized as a vessel of sexuality. Sarah Silverman’s June 2017 appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live! illustrates this. She holds up a picture of a penis that she drew while hospitalized and correctly assumes that the picture is intentionally blurred to viewers at home, per FCC regulations. She then facetiously tells producers that what she actually drew was a stalk of asparagus, and the picture instantly becomes clear. The image is, in a way, treated as criminal, and is subject to surveillance via pixelation, and yet that surveillance is instantly removed when the association with sexuality is removed.

In a way, we’re all responsible for allowing crimes of sexual violence to occur. My intention here is not to negate the free will of an individual who chooses irresponsible, repugnant behaviors, but to suggest that we have fostered a culture which, in a way, suggests that abhorrent sexual behaviors may be the basest way to get one’s needs met. When two 16-year-olds are in a healthy, consensual sexual relationship, and this relationship gets reported to the authorities, we are sending the message that even an appropriate sexual encounter is considered an act of deviance. And it starts even at a more localized level than the school. If kids are not hearing about sex in their households and are not raised with the understanding that sexual appetite is as normal a bodily function as urination or defecation, the overwhelming message is, at the very least, that sex is something that needs to be hidden away, or more damaging still, that sex is shameful.

Sexual violence is borne from the “sex = shame” mentality. When we classify the perpetrators of these crimes as being “sex addicts,” it excuses these damaging and vile behaviors as an unfortunate error of biology rather than viewing them as a product of learned behavior. This is not to say that sex addiction isn’t a real pathology, but rather to point out that we may be confounding biology with behavior. Though sex addiction has never been classified as a diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistics Manual (DSM), most experts agree that the diagnosis of a sex addiction would require a higher-than-average sex drive coupled with compulsive sexual behaviors even in the face of negative consequences. Sexual drive is a difficult feature to quantitatively measure, but I suspect that a high sex drive is not the cause for most crimes of sexual violence. I strongly believe that by committing acts of sexual violence, perpetrators are primitively attempting to meet their needs. In other words, while the sexual appetite is normal, the internalization of the “sex = shame” mentality is so embedded in the psyche that the sexual act becomes a part of this narrative. When one believes that one’s sexual drive is shameful, libidinous urges cannot be openly discussed, and instead may be dealt with in a way that is clandestine and non-consensual. Larger issues of power and privilege, though out of the scope of this writing, come into play when individuals are enabled to act out these violent behaviors.

Sexual violence is systemic. If we don’t change our cultural attitudes toward sex, we will continue to foster an environment which is likely to create sexual criminals. Young people who are just beginning to explore their identities as sexual beings through relationships with others are most susceptible to the internalization of the “sex = shame” narrative. If we don’t learn to shed our Puritanical vestiges and celebrate the healthy, safe, and consensual sexual exploration of these young people, we will continue to support a society of people who are reduced to committing crimes of sexual violence.


YThe Conversation We Should Be Having:

Internet sex addiction: A review of empirical research:

Is Sex Addiction Curable?

Salem-Keizer staff told to report student sexual activity, including own kids:

Sarah Silverman on Near Death Experience:

Photo Credit: Wyatt Fisher

General Reflection

Gender Application Gap

Gender stereotypes are pervasive in medicine. Last year, JAMA reported on the gender pay gap in medicine, and I found myself wondering if other stereotypes in medicine were true. I have seen some of it and heard more of it – from Scrubs, to blogs, to my own preceptors – ortho-bros, Ob/gyn girls, etc. According to a report using 2015 data from the AAMC and a study in the Journal of the American College of Surgeons that used the same data, these stereotypes seem to fit. The top male-dominated specialties by resident in the GME class of 2013-2014 were orthopaedic surgery (87%), radiology (73%), anesthesia (63%), emergency medicine (62%), and general surgery (59%). Women made up 85% of Ob/gyn, 75% of pediatrics residents, 57% of psychiatry residents, and 58% of family medicine residents. What I was really interested in, though, was whether there is any sort of advantage or disadvantage in being a male or female applicant in a sex-dominated field.

Luckily, this must have been on the minds of the ERAS stats department beacuse one of the headline charts on their FACTS web page is a table of specialty application data broken down by sex. The table includes the total number of applications per specialty and average number of applications per specialty broken down by sex. The data included all types of applicants – IMGs, DOs, and MDs. In working with the data, I chose to focus on Family Medicine, OB/gyn, Urology, Orthopaedic Surgery, General Surgery, and Family Medicine based on the AAMC data for sex-dominance as well as the stereotype of the field. I’ll admit that the latter is not a scientific method, but I don’t think I’m going out a limb here to say that there are (rightly or wrongly) generally agreed-upon stereotypes in medical fields. The modified table can be found below:

Specialty Female Applicants Mean Number of Female Applications Male Applicants Mean Number of Male Applications
Anesthesiology 1268 28.5 2524 30.9
Family Medicine 7168 49.4 7260 51.8
Obstetrics and Gynecology 2019 47.7 758 41.1
Orthopaedic Surgery 193 79.2 1116 74.8
Pediatrics 4576 36.7 2490 33.6
Surgery-General 2606 37.2 4871 37.7
Urology 110 64.2 383 62

Nothing shocking here. Male-dominated specialties like urology and orthopaedic surgery have more male applicants, female-dominated specialties like OB/gyn and pediatrics have more female applicants, and more evenly distributed fields have about an equal number of applicants.

What is more interesting is the average number of applications submitted per applicant by sex to the different specialties. Urology and orthopaedic surgery, probably the two specialties most culturally male-dominated both have higher number of applications submitted per female applicant. This seems to fit. Perhaps female applicants, knowing that the culture is male-dominated, feel pressure to submit more applications in order to be more certain that they will secure a residency in the male-dominated field. Ob/gyn, though, is the opposite. The most female-dominated specialty (both culturally and by AAMC data) has fewer applications per male applicant than female applicant. Even though 85% of the residency class of 2013-2014 was female, and even though far more women applied to OB/gyn than men, men do not seem to feel the need to overcome any sort of cultural disadvantage like women do when applying to male-dominated specialties.

This trend of male advantage in overcoming residency stereotypes holds true among other female-dominated fields like pediatrics where there are likewise more female applicants, but men submit fewer applications per applicant. I should note that this data does not include matriculation – only applications – so it is possible that men submit fewer applications and then do not get residencies. Also, this trend is not universal. Anesthesia is a male-dominated field where women submit fewer applications per applicant, though culturally it is not stereotyped to the same level as orthopaedic surgery or OB/gyn.

The New York Times wrote about this trend in 2001, noting that while men still made up the majority of practicing OB/gyns, upwards of 80% of residency applicants were female. But, according to the article, female OBs were taking a stand. They did not want OB/gyn to become a women-only field with some even supporting the reverse sex-descrimination argument that a few male OBs had taken to the courts. What is amazing in this scenario is that in spite of patient preference being the driving factor in making OB/gyn female-dominated, residencies see this as a problem and appear to be giving male applicants an advantage for residency positions. Meanwhile, male-dominated fields do not appear to have a problem with their male to female ratio. What does it say when women physicians are advocating for more men in their field over the preference of their patients?

Photo Credit: European Parliament

General Patient-Centered Care The Medical Commencement Archive

“Becoming Healers”: Dr. Jonathan LaPook, 2017 Commencement Address of Quinnipiac University School of Medicine

I am pleased to present this week’s Commencement Archive piece: Dr. Jonathan LaPook’s keynote address at the 2017 Quinnipiac University School of Medicine Commencement.

Dr. Jonathan LaPook is the Chief Medical Correspondent for CBS news and has served in this role since 2006. A board-certified physician in internal medicine and gastroenterology, he is also a Professor of Medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center. He attended medical school at Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, and completed an internal medicine residency and a gastroenterology fellowship at the New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center. Dr. LaPook has received two Emmy awards for his work in 2012 and 2013 covering the national drug shortage and Boston Marathon bombings, respectively.


While Dr. LaPook is accustomed to speaking in front of crowds and cameras, this particular speech was a first for him.   With great pride and humility, he addressed the very first graduating class of Quinnipiac University School of Medicine. While the event was new to everyone involved, the message Dr. LaPook delivered stems from his diverse experiences as both a physician and journalist.

Dr. LaPook discusses the semipermeable membrane—or as he puts it, an emotional wall—that lies between us (as physicians) and the patient. One must be mindful of the emotional balance that exists, and this, according to Dr. LaPook, is the first and last challenge of the art of healing.

“It starts with a decision about the emotional wall we all build between ourselves and our patients. Constructing it is tricky. You don’t want to make it too thin and porous, because that can be emotionally devastating. But you don’t want to make it too thick and impervious, because then you miss out on all the good stuff, the precious moments when you connect with a patient as a person. I treasure the time an elderly patient showed up for an office visit on a beautiful spring day, and I wheeled her over to the Central Park Zoo to watch the sea lions. No medicine I have ever prescribed has had a more powerful therapeutic response. Everybody has to find a comfort level. For me, erring on the side of “too empathetic” is the way to go. Patients pick up on it, and if they feel you really care, they’re more likely to open up to you.”


“When we’re watching a movie and an important moment is about to happen, how do we know?”

Unfortunately, when caring for sick patients, other than a few beeps on the monitor, important moments don’t come with dramatic music or close-ups. There is no camera-pan to direct our attention to informative, meaningful information. We are both privileged and burdened with this responsibility of seeking out and interpreting information in order to make informed decisions.

“Well, in life, there’s no close-up and there’s no change of music. You have to play the soundtrack in your own head. You have to control the zoom button yourself. You must catch that moment when the patient—consciously or unconsciously—tells you what’s the matter. You need to get them to open up to you as one human being to another. And they will not do that unless they know they are talking to a human being!”

As Dr. LaPook continues, he begins to discuss his career in journalism and its implications on his medical practice. In particular, covering global health crises has shaped his ability to communicate oftentimes complex medical information to a broad audience.

“The key is taking complex topics and presenting them in simple, accessible terms. Communicating clearly—and succinctly—is an important skill. Work on it.”

Dr. LaPook summarizes with a single piece of advice.

“Be comfortable with uncertainty. If you’ve been practicing medicine for five years and you think you have all the answers, you’re in the wrong profession.”

Although patients may expect us to have all the answers, we must not burden ourselves with this expectation. Medicine is an art, not a calculation. Physicians consume diverse clinical data not necessarily to find an answer but rather to justify a decision.

Dr. LaPook sends the graduating class out with a final message.

“What’s going to distinguish you as true healers is the way you embrace humility, compassion, and empathy. Turn away from the computer screen and look your patient straight in the eyes. Understand the extraordinary importance of listening. And realize that even when you don’t have the answer for a patient in need, you can still help—with a sympathetic ear, a reassuring touch of the hand, and by sticking by them, through sickness and health.”

Read the full speech in the Commencement Archive:

General The Medical Commencement Archive

“Cat’s Feet”: Dr. Donald Berwick, 2017 Commencement Address of the Dartmouth School of Medicine

This week, the Commencement Archive is pleased to publish Dr. Donald Berwick’s address to the Dartmouth School of Medicine Class of 2017, titled Cat’s Feet.

Donald M. Berwick, MD, MPP, FRCP, is President Emeritus and Senior Fellow of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. A pediatrician by background, Dr. Berwick has served on the faculty of the Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health, and on the staffs of Boston’s Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, and the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He has also served as Vice Chair of the US Preventive Services Task Force, the first “Independent Member” of the American Hospital Association Board of Trustees, and Chair of the National Advisory Council of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. He additionally served two terms on the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM’s) Governing Council, was a member of the IOM’s Global Health Board, and served on President Clinton’s Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality in the Healthcare Industry.

Recognized as a leading authority on health care quality and improvement, Dr. Berwick has received numerous awards for his contributions. In 2005, he was appointed “Honorary Knight Commander of the British Empire” by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, in recognition of his work with the British National Health Service. Dr. Berwick is the author of over 160 scientific articles and six books. He currently serves as Lecturer in the Department of Health Care Policy at Harvard Medical School.


Dr. Berwick delivers a powerful speech covering historic writings, poetry, and personal anecdotes. The ultimate message he conveys is choice, and our preparedness to make a decision.

The title of Dr. Berwick’s speech is Cat’s Feet, a phrase which he introduces in a poem by Carl Sandburg:


The fog comes

on little cat’s feet.


It sits looking

over harbor and city

on silent haunches

and then moves on.


He continues to discuss the poem and its portrayal of the unexpected choices we are faced with throughout our careers.

“The fog comes on little cat’s feet. Maybe you think of ethical choices as arriving with a brass band: Carton at the guillotine, Joan of Arc at the stake, or Martin Luther King and John Lewis on the Edmond Pettis Bridge. Moments of fame and drama “Here I am: Ethics.” Forget that. For you, me, most of us, the choices that matter come in unannounced, on little cat’s feet, silent in arrival and gone almost before we notice. You will have the same choice…Whether it will come tomorrow or next week or next year, I cannot say; but it will come. And it won’t come once. It will come again, and again, and again, always on cat’s feet, suddenly, too suddenly for you wing it. So, don’t wing it. Get prepared. Decide in advance.

As Dr. Berwick continues, he addresses an important question: what will be your self-identity as a doctor? Physicians must balance personal heroism with interdependency. In other words, we will have opportunities to be heroic, to act, and to take matters into our own hands. Dr. Berwick argues that we cannot and should not act alone. Rather, there is a greater “need for teamwork, generosity, and deference to others.” Dr. Berwick recommends to “not ask what you do; ask what you are part of. Ask, “Who depends on me, and how am I doing in their eyes?”

Dr. Berwick reflects on the evolution of ethical values appreciated in healthcare. Now more than ever, physicians have an immense ethical duty.

“If we be healers, then the time has ended when the tasks we shoulder stop at the door of an office, the threshold of an operating room, or the front gate of a hospital. We must engage in the rescue of a society, and of a political context, that has forgotten to heal. That has become our job too. Professional silence in the face of social injustice is wrong.”

Unlike some of the other pieces in this commencement archive issue, Dr. Berwick’s is marked with a tone of gravity and weightiness. He goes beyond our duty as physicians and calls on our responsibilities as individuals in society. The message is serious, sincere, and thought-provoking. I encourage all to consider his words closely.

Read the full speech in the Commencement Archive: